1. Follow the Laws and Regulations of the Country.
most people when working in another country think that when they are there, they are already considered important or think that they are free from the rules of that country because they are not a citizen there. one should respect thier rules and follow them, as following the rules can earn you the respect of your coworkers in that country.
2. Never Talk About Religion, Polictics or race.
Again most people don't understand this. one should not disrespect any of those. Just because they follow something different from you're aspects in life does not mean that they are lower than you. Each place has their own things follow them, respect them and they will also respect you.
3. Learn the Language.
Most people don't try to learn the language of the country that they are in. but you should at least the basic ones and phrases before you get there. Because it may get you places and people will be astounded on what you know.
4. Don't treat People like they are lower than you
Treating a coworker or someone from another race or country like they are someone of a different species is a big NO. They are people too just ones that are not similar to you. Treat people with respect and they treat you too. not the other way around.
5. Learn the culture not the other way around
Don't be boastful about your race. You are in the other country, boasting about your race is disrespectful for the people living there. Don't think that just because you confident gives you justification for being douche. Treat people like you would want them to treat you. *culture is different from laws.
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